Signs detrimental to the town

Yes, it is that time of year again. They are like migrating birds colouring our town in blue and red. What are they? The town has been swamped by letting agent’s boards advertising student lets. Why are they doing this when most lets will have been taken for this year? I suspect it is to alert students who want to live in Leamington for the autumn next year!

I have written to letting agents asking them if they would consider taking them down. I wrote: “At this time of year, there is always a proliferation of estate agent boards advertising student lets. Although, I recognise that this is a legitimate form of advertising and in principle makes your business more efficient but is it really necessary? Every student without exception has access to the internet and they are perfectly able to find lets on your website.

“Unfortunately, the rash of boards at this time of year does two things to the town. They produce an unacceptable level of unattractive intrusions into the urban landscape which mars the look of our beautiful town. The other reason is that these boards also remind many people of the detrimental effect that student homes have had on their community. Do they really need reminding through the vast quantity of these boards of the damage that the over-density of student houses has had on their lives. I feel it adds insult to injury for these residents. May I respectfully request that you stop this practice of swamping the town with these boards?”

It seems unlikely they will be taken down but I would see it as an enormous gesture of goodwill with no detriment to their businesses.

Cllr Jerry Weber, Labour, Warwick District Council, Leamington