Old Town plans are a great idea

A win-win proposal. Warwick District Council is to be congratulated on relocating to the Court St/Althorpe St area (Courier June 1).

This would complete the regeneration of that part of Old Town. This is an ideal situation for the men in suits who deal with officialdom, bringing many people on business and into the shops who never venture south of the River Leam. There have been many wrong decisions. The arches are still awaiting buyers, the derelict chapel, the wrangle over Bath Place waiting for a home, and outstanding, the eyesore of the Stoneleigh pub, a blight on Clemens Street.

The redundant Riverside plot could attract buyers of quality homes.

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Sadly, the Loft needs monetary help for repairs just to stay where it is, since the grant was refused. From the end of the weekly market in the Court Street car park, only the pigeons have been given new high rise housing.

So hold your heads up high, gentlemen. This exchange of sites is a winner…not to disappear on a paper trail. - Name and address supplied.