At long last the town has been put first

Over the past few years there have been many words printed with reference to the proposed Chandos Court shopping arcade. This proposed arcade started at an estimate of £28 million pounds, this then climbed to a staggering £97 million pounds before our councillors at last saw sense. They have at last rejected this arcade for good I hope. Congratulations.

At last our councillors have put the town before the contractors, which is something that they have failed to do in the past, when they gave our contracts to companies not qualified to do the job given. It then took nearly 20 years, before the council discovered they were losing money, and before action was taken to try to remedy their mistake. Makes one ask was the company being protected for one reason or another, before the problem of loss became to big and action was forced on them.

Still this time they have taken the right action before being faced with another cover up. Thanks for some good reporting. - C V Baker, via email.