A mountain of clothes for two good causes

CHILDREN and adults living in poverty will benefit from the efforts of Warwick District Council staff, who have made a mountain out of the clothes and textiles they have collected to give away.

The team gathered half a tonne worth of materials in one week - and the process was so popular that the council plans to run regular collections and provide a permanent textile recycling bin for all employees. Part of the funds raised from textile recycling will go to the Guide Dogs for the Blind.

Cllr Dave Shilton, responsible for neighbourhood services, said: “We really want to get behind this local charity and are challenging residents to now fill bags as many bags as possible with their old textiles. Bags will be collected on recycling day and should be placed next to the red recycling box.”

To find out more, contact the council’s recycling officer Zoe Court on 456620 or email [email protected]