MPMC JobsToday Virtual Careers FairMPMC JobsToday Virtual Careers Fair
MPMC JobsToday Virtual Careers Fair
Jobstoday’s National Virtual Careers Fair has now opened, connecting talented job seekers to local and National employers for 12 days until September 13.

The Virtual Careers Fair is an online platform where job seekers can browse top companies from across the UK, connect in a real time environment and apply for advertised vacancies; all for FREE and from the comfort of their computers.

With over 25 top employers showcasing job offers, this latest tool is a natural progression in finding the best talent; great businesses attending include Nationwide, Sodexho, Rolls Royce, Zurich and Aldi.

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Proven a popular platform with both employers and job seekers alike, response to the fair has been encouraging. Joanne Harwood, Group Category Manager at Johnston Press, said: “By creating a fair that can be navigated as if you were there in person; enables employers and job seekers to connect more efficiently and successfully through innovative technology solutions. This latest trend offers job seekers a huge advantage as they can find jobs that best suit their skills set and desired working environment.”

Job seekers can join the fair over the next 12 days; simply register for free today at

With such positive responses from job seekers and businesses, Jobstoday will also run a Virtual Careers Fair in October.

Businesses can find out how to get involved by contacting 0114 299 6173 or emailing [email protected]

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