Don't worry, the lights in the Warwick sky were not calls for Batman (although he could be needed to solve the town's traffic problems!)

Warwick Castle was once again just testing its lights out last night, ahead of its many shows. It wasn't Batman. Or was it...?!Warwick Castle was once again just testing its lights out last night, ahead of its many shows. It wasn't Batman. Or was it...?!
Warwick Castle was once again just testing its lights out last night, ahead of its many shows. It wasn't Batman. Or was it...?!
Our thanks to everyone who contacted us, asking about last night's lights

It has finally happened - last night (Wednesday) the council put out a call into the skies for Batman to help them solve the town's traffic problems.

Or were aliens beaming down in an attempt to pick up a pizza from Dough & Brew?

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Well, OK, it was neither of these...but if you saw the lights shining in the sky last night, fear not.

Warwick Castle was once again just testing its lights out last night, ahead of its many shows.

Our thanks to Geoff Ousbey for the photo and to the people who contacted us about the lights.